Short summary description Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm self-adhesive label 120 pc(s):
This short summary of the Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm self-adhesive label 120 pc(s) data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm, Red, 57 mm, 25 mm, 120 pc(s), 20 sheets
Long summary description Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm self-adhesive label 120 pc(s):
This is an auto-generated long summary of Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm self-adhesive label 120 pc(s) based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Elba Contents Label 2004 Red 25 x 57mm. Product colour: Red. Width: 57 mm, Height: 25 mm. Labels per pack: 120 pc(s), Media sheets per package: 20 sheets