Short summary description Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10 self-adhesive label 10 pc(s):
This short summary of the Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10 self-adhesive label 10 pc(s) data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10, Green, 34 mm, 290 mm, 10 pc(s), 10 sheets
Long summary description Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10 self-adhesive label 10 pc(s):
This is an auto-generated long summary of Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10 self-adhesive label 10 pc(s) based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Elba Spine Label for Lever Arch Files 290x34mm Green pk 10. Product colour: Green. Width: 34 mm, Height: 290 mm. Labels per pack: 10 pc(s), Media sheets per package: 10 sheets