Short summary description Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black ring binder:
This short summary of the Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black ring binder data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black, A4, Black, 280 sheets, 50 mm, 318 mm
Long summary description Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black ring binder:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black ring binder based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Elba Lever Arch File Rado Plus 50 mm, A4 Black. Format: A4, Product colour: Black, Maximum capacity: 280 sheets. Width: 50 mm, Height: 318 mm