Short summary description Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW optical disc drive Internal White:
This short summary of the Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW optical disc drive Internal White data-sheet is auto-generated and uses the product title and the first six key specs.
Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW, White, 2 MB, 33.3 MB/s, 40x, 32x, 48x
Long summary description Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW optical disc drive Internal White:
This is an auto-generated long summary of Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW optical disc drive Internal White based on the first three specs of the first five spec groups.
Samsung TS-H552U DVD Writer Int IDE BULK W SW. Product colour: White. Drive device, buffer size: 2 MB, Burst transfer rate: 33.3 MB/s. CD write speed: 40x, CD rewrite speed: 32x. CD read speed: 48x. DVD drive average random access time: 130 ms, Access time: 110 ms