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HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway

Dodajte za primerjavo
Primerjate lahko samo izdelke, ki so v celoti opisani v standardnem formatu Icecat, in pripadajo isti kategoriji.
Blagovna znamka:
Splošna blagovna znamka proizvajalca, s katero potrošnik pozna njihove izdelke. Proizvajalec ima lahko več blagovnih znamk. Nekateri proizvajalci licencirajo svoje blagovne znamke drugim proizvajalcem.
HP Check ‘HP’ global rank
Ime izdelka:
Ime izdelka je identifikacija izdelka blagovne znamke, pogosto ime modela. Kljub temu, ni popolnoma edinstveno, saj lahko vsebuje nekatere različice izdelka. Ime izdelka je ključni del naslova izdelka Icecat na podatkovnem listu izdelka.
StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway
Koda izdelka:
Edinstveni identifikator izdelkov blagovne znamke. Če so specifikacije identične, so lahko številne kode izdelkov povezane na eno matično kodo izdelkov. Odstranjujemo napačne kode ali morebitne logistične različice.
Content delivery networks use multiple servers in many geographic locations that improve deliveries of static and streaming content. Global content requests automatically get routed to the closest servers, speeding up page loads, maximizing bandwidth and providing identical content regardless of Internet- or site-traffic spikes. Depending on traffic and number of nodes, the network's algorithms select the best routing options to deliver optimum performance and avoid bottlenecks. Equipment to create content delivery networks include servers and storage systems.
Mrežna oprema za dostavo vsebine Check ‘HP’ global rank
Icecat Product ID:
The Icecat Product ID is the unique Icecat number identifying a product in Icecat. This number is used to retrieve or push data regarding a product's datasheet. Click the number to copy the link.
Kakovost podatkovnega lista: created by HP
Kakovost podatkovnih listov je lahko na več ravneh:
Uvoženi samo logistični podatki: imamo samo osnovne podatke, uvožene od dobavitelja. Urednik še ni ustvaril podatkovnega lista.
created by HP: podatkovni list je uvožen iz uradnega vira proizvajalca. Vendar podatkovni list še ni standardiziran s strani Icecat urednika.
ustvarjeno/standardizirano s strani Icecat: podatkovni list je ustvaril ali standardiziral Icecat urednik.
Ogledi izdelka: 222764
Statistika temelji na 97136 uporaba spletni strani za e-trgovino (e-shops, distributerji, primerjalna mesta, ASP-ji, sistemi za nakup, itd.) za prenos tega Icecat podatkovnega lista od Samo sponzorske blagovne znamke so vključene v brezplačno Open Icecat distribucijo vsebine 94642 brezplačni Open Icecat uporabniki.
Informacije spremenjene na: 28 Sep 2023 14:22:28
Datum zadnje spremembe podatkovnega lista v sistemu Icecat.
Dolgo ime izdelka HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway :
Kratek uredniški opis HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway

HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway
HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway:
Uradno tržno besedilo HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway kot ga je predložil proizvajalec

You made the decision to invest in a storage array, but now you've found that you still have file and application servers that aren't connected. So you're still spending time managing islands of storage and your array isn't meeting its full potential. Wouldn't it be nice to complete the consolidation to truly create one unified storage pool to expand and protect? HP StorageWorks X3000 Network Storage Systems boost the value of your array or SAN by adding Windows-powered IP-based gateway services to it. You'll spend less time and effort on maintenance and deliver a better return-on-investment for your array/SAN when you consolidate to a single, unified storage pool that can serve files to your clients and blocks to your servers via multiple protocols (FC/iSCSI or SAS/iSCSI). Industry-standards protect your investment by providing compatibility with your network and applications, and a Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) license is included to provide high availability and reduce downtime.

• Gateway services: HP X3000 Network Storage Gateways are file and iSCSI bridges into a Fibre Channel or SAS array, or into a Fibre Channel SAN. They add IP-based data services, including file serving and iSCSI, in a package that can be clustered for high-availability and can host array management utilities.

• Be up and serving files quickly: The operating system is pre-installed, so it's a fast, safe, and easy way to add gateway services to your array or SAN.

Kratek povzetek opisa HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway:
Ta kratek povzetek podatkovnega lista HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway je samodejno ustvarjen in uporablja naslov izdelka in prvih šest ključnih specifikacij.

HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway

Dolg opis povzetka HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway:
To je samodejno generirani dolgi povzetek HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway, ki temelji na prvih treh tehničnih specifikacijah, ki veljajo v prvih petih skupinah.

HP StorageWorks X3400 Network Storage Gateway

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